Ina collaboration.
I collaborated with Ina Morken, a 3rd year film student, on her surrealist environmentally engaging film. My job as an animator was to animate and video montage what is happening on the television within the film. I animate 2 scenes, the first being one of the lignes said by one of the actors which is "all the trees are gone" and the other being a chaotic scene of a weather woman presenting the weather.
Tree scene:
I was given a lot of creative freedom with this collaboration so when i came up with ideas I only had to communicate them to Ina to make sure they were suitable before I could start to work on them.
with the sentence "all the trees are gone" I wanted the viewer to be seeing what the actors in the scene would be seeing which would be a news reporter showing through the lens of a camera a forest or natural environment with trees that have disappeared. Ina's idea was to make what was happening on the tv to have a digital surreal essence to it similar to : ' How to not be seen: A fucking Didactic Educational. Mov file' and the earliness of "Don't hug me i'm scared".
So I decided to film a walk in the park and to digitally add trees to it, and as the camera gets closer to the trees they become stumps. Also to create that digital surrealness aesthetic I made the trees 3D in a 2000 video game style, by superimposing a flat image and rooting it to make it 3D. After playing around with this I decided to keep the camera tracking points on the video footage because again it added the digital aesthetic.
This is the video I used to add the trees and stumps to. I used the leaves on the grass to camera track the footage.
Images of trees and stumps taken in the Meadows.
This is the final Animation used in Ina's film: